Tuesday 1 November 2022

Fitness Trainer in Gurgaon


Kyphosis is a spinal condition. In people with kyphosis, the spine curves outward more than it should. As a result, the upper back looks overly rounded. The curvature can make people look hunched or slouching. People sometimes call it hunchback or round back. The spine has natural curves. These curves support our posture and help us stand straight. But excessive curvature can affect posture and make standing difficult. Most of the time, kyphosis doesn’t cause health problems or need medical treatment. But it may make you feel self-conscious about how you look.

Overuse or misuse of the shoulders. incorrect sleeping position or only sleeping on one side. using one side of the body to hold objects. A depressed shoulder is easy to spot. Things to look like the downward slope of the shoulder, Increased or reduced distance between the inside border of the shoulder blade and spine. We are seeing depressed shoulders more frequently in the clinic, and some of this may be from increased working-from-home scenarios and a change in an exercise routine that has come about with gyms closing. This will cause a lot of problems when trying to use your arms above your head.

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